I know that I have talked about this before on this blog, but I think this is another great example of perspective. There are many different ways of taking pictures of the same subject(s). Even when the subject is a wide, grand, land-(city)-scape that is just screaming for your to go as wide as possible, try a few different shots. Here I have 3 images, taken from the 50th floor of the Prudential Center in Boston, which demonstrate what I am trying to say. The first image was my default picture. Go wide and get as much of the view in that direction that you can. Show the expansive view of the cityscape in front of you. The next thing you can do is look for some othre prominent features in the image that may stand out. For me this was the large building that stands out from the rest. The next two images played on that. The second image also plays on a saying I've heard several times before "The best time to take a vertical image, is right after you took a horizontal one". Don't neglect the vertical image. Finally, in the third image I tried to capture the grandeur of the large central building, but also the line of tall buildings that curves to the left in the distance.
Moral of the story? Try several shots in the same location and you never know what you will come up with.
Wide Angle Boston View
Vertical Boston HDR
Close Up Boston View
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