Last Thursday was the Sunset Ceremony here at RMC and although I was technically working (as an aide-de-camp for an honorary degree recipient), I was able to snap a few pictures off. I would have posted these up on Flickr earlier, but I was hoping to get something into Kingston This Week. It turns out though that they technically don't cover the event since they did a primer in Thursdays paper. In any case, here they are. The first one is a demonstration by the Taekwondo team, and I think that the action is pretty self explanatory. Buddy flying over his colleagues to break a piece of wood. The second one is a shot of Major-General Gosselin watching over the Old-18 demonstration. This demonstration usually comes in two parts, a display of the type of drill done back when the original cadets would have entered into the college and next a demonstration of 19th century battlefield techniques. As shown here the Old-18 drill team (in red in formation) and the Naval Gun Team (in White on right) are attacked by "enemy" (Dark blue on the far left and scattered all over the parade square, dead). Finally, although I've already posted a helicopter shot before, this one is of the sandhurst team who rappelled down to the parade square during their demonstration this year. All in all I was glad I still had a chance to get some images and to once again see the sunset ceremony. To see the rest of my flickr photostream (including a couple of others from sunset) click
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