On my walk home yesterday afternoon (to take pictures of course) I met up with a pair of geese and their goslings on the grass. When the caught sight of me, they took off into the water. Fortunately, as I kept walking back, they were going in the same direction as I was, but in the water. Essentially I sped up a little bit and hid where they were planning on ending up, trying to get a couple good pictures of them. All the time I was doing this I couldn't get the story my dad told me as a kid, where the unfortunate child who tried to sneak up on a goose, ended up not being able to sit down for awhile. Anyways, all turned out OK here, so I guess that you should "Never sneak up on a goose, but a pair of geese and their goslings is okay." To see the rest of my photography,
click here.
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