Here's the scoop. I am WAY behind. I have two images I haven't posted from Ottawa/Gatineau and I have a whole series of images from my leave in Cape Breton. To top it all off I'm on TD in Colorado Springs, CO and of course I'll be shooting here as well. I've decided that I'm more than likely going to give the Colorado Springs shots the priority and post them as I have them edited. I figure if you are a regular visitor to Scerakor Photography you have already seen many images of both Ottawa/Gatineau AND lots from Cape Breton. You are probably a bit more interested in hearing (and seeing!!) what's going on here. Without further adieu, here is the first couple images from a park here called "The Garden of the Gods". This is a free park that you can drive through marveling at the natural red rock formations. I don't have a whole lot of information on it since I dashed out there on a whim after supper and was battling the setting sun. The first rock is the "Balancing Rock". Apparently one of the pioneers of the area bought the land around the rock and took pictures of visitors with the rock for $.25! The other is another one of the prominent rock "mountains" in the park that can be seen from a ways around.
I find Colorado Springs interesting since it really is a mix of environments. Walking through here you get the impression of a desert, with cacti, dry weedy plands, dry dust, and these amazing red rocks. But, the REAL mountains around are a part of the Rocky Mountain us Canadian's (Western :P) know and love. If I get the time I'll definitely make it back out the the Garden of the Gods to get the rest of the park seen! More to come!
Garden of the Gods' "Balancing Rock"
Red Rocks and Fence in the Garden of the Gods
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