Sobe's Turn

So now that GuynS had a chance to occupy a couple pictures on here, it is Sobe's turn. Lately Sobe has found a new spot to relax. We've started packing things up and the bookcase now has some free shelves. Sobe has discovered that he can jump up and spend some nap time in these boxes. I find that the other one has a sort of "philosophical pondering" look to it.

On a separate note, one of the things I disliked about the "portfolio" pages that I have (see the links on the side or go to the Scerakor Photography portfolio site and click on the desired categories) was that the pictures weren't big enough. I've changed that now and you can flip through them with a much better viewing experience (I believe). 

Make sure to check back in tomorrow for a image on "an almost religious beverage"!

The Cat's New Sleeping Arrangements
New Found Sleeping Spot

Sobe's Philisophical Look
Philisophical Look

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