but I think that is where I left off. We had two more days of hiking on that trip, and consequently, two more days of images. The day started off with us still in the woods and some more wooden paths through them.
Since we were still in the woods, we had to make our way up and up and up and out of the woods, eventually to peak out over the trees. Looking back the way we came, we catch a glimpse of the lookout tower on the mountain in the background from where we came down the day before!
Finally popping up out of the trees completely we get a decent view, in that same direction, over top of the trees. The neat thing about this image is that we get a decent look at the physical shape of the two lakes and the refuge (green room in the middle of the two lakes) where we slept the night before AS WELL AS where is is in relation to the lookout tower from the previous day's hike (top left).
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