Project 50

I've started another one of these daily photo 'dealies', hoping that I will actually stick with it last time (I didn't get so far on project 365). This one is called project 50. Basically the idea here is to take a picture a day, for 50 days, with a 50mm lens. So far I have gone two days (and technically the second day was cutting it close since it is already 22:19). The basis of the project is to motivate someone to get out there and shoot (and edit if possible) everyday not only with their camera, but specifically with the 50mm lens. Working with a prime, specifically the 50, makes you think more about composition that you would have to with a zoom lens. ANYWAYS, below you will find my 1/50 and 2/50 project 50 "entries". 1/50 is a Kodak Brownie six-16 which is an old camera I picked up at a garage sale (When I say old I mean it was on the market between ~1946-1951. This is also taken with my home made light box. I want to see if I can pick up some 120 film and try and get something out of this box camera. The 2/50 is your run of the mill flower picture taken on the way home from RMC. For more of my pictures check out my flickr photostream.

Project 50: 1/50, Kodak Brownie six-16

Project 50: 2/50, Tight Lilac

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